#001: Ready to get started?

It's time to do something new...

Hey there! Thinking about a new adventure? Same here. And I’ve been thinking for a while. A long while.

A few moons ago, I decided to start sharing these occasionally inspirational scrolls from my home studio in the magical land of Hillfog. The scrolls themselves are not magical, but they do have the power to brighten your day, shift your thinking, or provide perspective.

But, you may be thinking: why didn’t the first scroll go out until today? Well, to be honest, I didn’t start a few moons ago — I decided to start. I wanted to start.

Today’s scroll is inspired by perfectionism and the hesitation to get going. It’s too easy to sit around & think about how something should work. How it could be better. How if you just spent one more week, or month, or year trying to figure it out that you’ll, well, figure it out. But, if you don’t make that first step today, what makes you so sure that you’ll do it tomorrow?

So today is all about making something happen. Even if that something is just a minor little action that puts you one dwarves-foot closer to your dreams.

If you’re starting something new this week, I hope you’ll find this Hemlock Firestone useful. It was imbued by witches from the nearby Hemlock Coven and has been known by locals to reignite one’s inner flame. If you find that it’s difficult to begin your new journey, it may be time to look within and bring your coals back to a roaring fire.